Frequently Asked Questions about Vacation Benefits
Who do I contact for my Health and Pension Benefits?
You should contact the prior Vacation Administrator, who is your current Health and Pension Administrator:
TIC International Corporation
11590 North Meridian St, Suite 600
Carmel, IN 46032-4529
Toll-Free: (877) 645-2267
Main Line: (517) 321-7502
Who can I contact regarding my retirement?
TIC is the Administrator handling the Michigan Laborers’ pension contributions and retirement. Please contact their office using the information above for assistance.
How often is there a vacation distribution?
The vacation distribution is done semi-annually. For approximate dates, see the following question.
What day will vacation checks be mailed out?
The first vacation distribution occurs during the third week of May, and the second distribution occurs during the third week of November.
Can I get my vacation money early if I am not working anymore? Can I withdraw out of the Michigan Laborers' Vacation Fund?
No. Vacation funds will only be disbursed early as a death benefit, or if a member will not be able to take receipt of benefits on the scheduled distribution date due to military service.
What is the LPL?
LPL stands for “Laborers’ Political League.” If you have authorized a deduction from your vacation pay to support the LPL, you will see five cents per each hour worked deducted from your benefit distribution.
What work months are included in my vacation check?
For the first distribution, vacation benefits checks are for the prior October through March of the current year, if contributions are paid by the contractor prior to April 30th. For the second distribution, vacation benefit checks are for April through September of the current year, if contributions are paid by the contractor prior to October 31st.
Can I pick-up my check from the Fund Office?
No. You may, however, request that a paper check be mailed to your Local for pick-up there, if you so choose.
If my hours are turned in late, will I still get my vacation money?
If hours are not paid by October 31st, the money will not be on your November vacation benefit check. If approved by the Board of Trustees, there will be a late distribution around Mid-February for any September and October contributions paid after October 31st.
Can I update my address over the phone?
No. For security reasons, you must contact your Local to notify the benefit administrators of changes to your address. The deadline for address changes to be effective with the Trust Office is May or November 1st, depending on which distribution is affected.
Can spouses or friends call to find out my vacation balance?
No. We will only disclose information on your vacation benefit to you, the member.
Can you tell me the amount of my D&V (Laborers’ Metro) vacation benefit?
No. This benefit is separate and administered by BeneSys. Please call them at (248) 822-4142 to obtain this information.
Money was deducted from my paycheck, but I didn’t receive a vacation benefit check?
The most likely reason for this is a lack of address or dues card on file for you. Please contact your Local Union to update your information and check on the status of your benefit.
How do I set up Direct Deposit to ensure my vacation payout goes into my bank account?
A Direct Deposit form is available on the Michigan Laborers’ Vacation Fund website or can be emailed to you on request. Please send requests and your completed Direct Deposit forms to: [email protected]. This form must be returned no later than November 1st (or May 1st) to be effective for the upcoming vacation distribution.
Can you verify that my Direct Deposit is set up and/or was updated?
Yes. You will need the last four digits of the account on file for us to verify.
My check was lost and/or I did not receive my vacation check in the mail. Can you reissue my vacation check?
Trust policy requires a 10-day waiting period between initial mailing and filing for stop payment and reissuance of a check. If 10 days have passed and you have not received your check, please contact us to begin the reissuance process.
How do I cancel my direct deposit to receive a paper check instead?
A Direct Deposit Declination form is available on the Michigan Laborers’ Vacation Fund website or can be emailed to you on request. Please send requests and your completed Direct Deposit forms to: [email protected]. This form must be returned no later than November 1st (or May 1st) to be effective for the upcoming vacation distribution.
What was changed when the administrator for my benefits changed? Did all of my information transfer over? Do I need to complete new forms/a new dues card?
Ideally, you should experience minimal disruption due to the switch from TIC to WPAS, Inc. in the administration of your vacation benefits. If your information was current with the prior administrator, or if you made changes to your records prior to the transition, this will be reflected in our system.
How do I stop my vacation deduction? Am I required to contribute to the Vacation Fund?
Contribution to the Michigan Laborers’ Vacation Fund is mandatory. If you have concerns, please contact your Local Union for more information.
I think my vacation pay was taxed twice?
Your vacation pay should not have been taxed twice. Please contact us for more information and/or a breakdown of deductions from your vacation benefit distribution.
Can I decline deduction of working dues from my vacation benefits?
Normally, deduction of working dues from vacation benefits is mandatory. Please contact your Local Union if you believe declination of working dues may be an option for you.